I hate to start a Monday like this. My house is a mess. There is laundry to be done. I have piles of leftover grading from last week. There is a mountain of dishes in the sink. And of course, no matter how frazzled I feel, I have to go to school. I felt like I was a kid again this morning. I whined that I didn't want to get up. I pouted about having to get ready. I complained about my clothes, the weather, and anything else I could think of. I just didn't want to go to school. I love my job. I really do, but today I was just not feeling it. I sometimes wish that I could have a desk job where I could just be by myself all day and ease myself back into being at work. Unfortunately, at precisely 7:45, the bell rang and in walked my class. Monday was here and I couldn't do anything about it.
I have great excuses for feeling so lousy this morning. I have been incredibly busy this weekend. We celebrated my mother-in-law's birthday on Saturday and we cooked some amazing food for the occasion. Then I stayed up late watching the big game last night! (GO PACKERS!!!)
So, now it is Monday evening. The house is slightly less messy. The mountain of dishes has disappeared. The pile of grading is gradually getting smaller, and the dryer just buzzed. Just a few more hours and this Monday will be completely behind me! Hallelujah!
Tuesdays aren't much better.