Friday, December 9, 2011
Bah Humbug!
I have been accused recently of being a Scrooge, and I can't say that I completely disagree with that title. This year I am having a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit. We have our shopping finished. Our tree is up. There are decorations everywhere, but somewhere between watching people stuff cart-fulls of presents into their already full SUVs and hearing tales of people's homes being robbed and having packages stolen from their front porch, I have lost some of the joy of the season.
If you know much about me, you know that Christmas was never a big deal for me growing up. We were poor and we didn't have much at all, so the holiday was never something to get too excited over. We did always read the Christmas story from the Bible on Christmas morning, and I do love that tradition. Now that I am married to a man who gets as excited about Christmas as Santa himself, I try to enjoy the season as much as possible. I don't need a million presents to make me feel special, but I do love a gift that shows that someone really knows me. My husband is the King of Gift Giving. He is incredibly thoughtful and is an amazing gift giver. He makes Christmas really special.
So now it is my responsibility to get myself out of this Scrooge-like state. I am going to buckle down, focus on the reason for this festive season, and try my hardest to get in the Christmas spirit! On tonight's agenda, gift wrapping. Complete with hot chocolate and a Christmas movie. Perhaps that will do the trick!
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