Monday, March 7, 2011

Please be seated...but how?

Last night as I was sitting in church, I was noticing the different ways that married couples sit together. There are several different things that I observed. I am sure that you are on the edge of your seat, dying to know what they are! 

  • A loving arm around the shoulder-This is the type that looks like a hug that was frozen mid-hug. From behind it really looks like the guy loves his wife. This can be reversed, but I suggest not reversing too often as it looks better with the husband's arm around the wife. He looks protective. 
  • An arm resting on the pew-This one is tricky and can easily be confused with the first, but if you look carefully you can see if the man's arm is touching the shoulder of the woman or only resting on the pew. It is my opinion that if this is the case, then the man is trying to look protective, but really doesn't want to touch the woman. Or might he only be airing out his armpit? 
  • Man nearest to the aisle-I have noticed in our church that most of the men sit next to the aisle and the women sit on the inside. I wonder if there is some secret man code that tells them to sit this way or if this is simply another way that men feel like the protector. 
  • Woman nearest the aisle-This is a more rare occurrence. Are these women feeling protective? Have the men not seen the secret book of man code yet? Or are they just trying to tell the church that they are equal? Or, quite possibly, the wife is ready to make a quick exit to the nursery if necessary. 
  • Lots of space between man and wife-This gives the idea that man and woman are content to sit together, but don't feel the need to touch. They don't share a Bible. They don't hold hands. They don't put their arms around each other. Perhaps they feel that they should not let the other person be a distraction to them. 
  • Kids between the husband and wife-This is a variation of the aforementioned seating arrangement. I believe that this one was borne out of necessity. It keeps the children corralled. 
  • Husband in one place, wife in another-This one is very rare. I have seen this only twice that I can remember. The first, because of a disagreement. Husband and Wife decided to sit in different places. They arrived separately, listened to the sermon, left separately. Yikes! The second time I saw this was hilarious! The husband arrived, took his seat, and quietly waited for the service to start. The wife was busy talking, heard the service start, and quickly rushed to their normal pew. Her husband wasn't there, so she took her usual spot. It took about 10 minutes for her to locate her husband, who had decided to try out a new location. She jumped up, walked briskly over to where he was, and sat down. 
I love to be able to sit with my husband in church and worship with him. He is such a dear. He holds the hymnal while we sing. He holds my hand while we pray. And he puts his arm around my shoulder. I am sure that we will try all of the other options of sitting, but for now I am content to stay under his loving arm. 

What insight do you have from your careful observations of others? 

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