Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A to-do list update

I have accomplished 2 things on my to-do list! I am super excited...I love to mark things off a list. Yesterday I had an appointment with the eye doctor. This was the first time I have been to the eye doctor in a long, long time. It was quite the experience. They were surprised that I wasn't wearing glasses when I came into the appointment. Turns out, I have horrible vision in my left eye. I was hoping to be able to sport a super-hot monocle, but the doctor said that I needed a slight prescription in my right eye, so no monocle for me. They dilated my eyes, which is something that I have never experienced. I made sure to take a photo for everyone to enjoy.

This is such a hilarious picture. Wow! My nose is crooked! 
Then today, I cleaned out my closet. I am so relieved that it is over! I am so pleased with the final product. I have a super small closet. My husband can't even share a closet with me because there is just no room. I have  been struggling to keep this huge mess under control, and I am happy to report that the door of my closet is now able to close. I started with my dressers.

5 very full drawers of clothes
6 more drawers of clothes (only 3 are mine, the others are his)
Once I went through the clothes in the drawers, it was time to tackle the closet. The closet was way too full and way too messy.

This is the before picture. yikes!

Another before picture. 
the other side of my overstuffed closet.
My plan of attack was to yank everything out and then get rid of everything I was willing to part with. Then I would neatly put everything back. It took longer than I expected, but the final result was so worth it.

Part of the shoes that I took our of my closet. 
The rest of the shoes. 
Purses and bags that filled the bottom of the closet. 
I finally got everything emptied out of it. (yes, that is a green Caboodle)
This is what made the cut. Sorry the pic is sideways. Now to get it all back in the closet! 
This is the enormous pile that is leaving. It filled 3 garbage bags. One is being tossed, one is to be donated, and one is going to a friend who will love getting some cute used clothes. 
These shoes need a good home. I married a man who is my height. In heels, I TOWER above him, so these need to go! 
This is the final product! YAY!
I am so relieved that this is over! It was quite the undertaking, but having too much stuff really stresses me. It feels so good to know that everything is in its place and that the things I don't wear won't be taking up valuable space any longer. And see those empty hangers? I need to go shopping! (yeah right!) I feel like I will sleep better tonight knowing that my closet closes again. Plus, I have accomplished 2 major things on my list! Only 3 more to go! Tomorrow...it's oven cleaning time! Lucky me!


  1. I love checking things off a to-do list too. In fact, sometimes when I do things that aren't on my list, I add them just so I can immediately cross them off.

    Yay on the closet cleaning. I wish I could've taken some of those clothes or shoes. Sigh. I miss being able to get new/borrowed clothes.

  2. shoes? any big ones that wont make me fall when i walk??

  3. Fantastic job, Friend! It all looks GRRRRRRRRREAT! And can I just say that your pic made me laugh out loud. Your eyes are so dilated! haha Miss you!
