Monday, June 6, 2011

Things that drive me crazy

I try very hard not to let things I can't control get to me, but sometimes a girl just can't help it. Currently, there are a few things that top my list of things that drive me crazy.

  • "Cold" water-I have learned that if you want cold water in Alabama, you have to refrigerate it. You can turn on the cold water and wait for hours, but the water isn't going to get cold. The closest I can get is lukewarm. 
  • The term "occasional table"-What is that anyway? There is a commercial that plays all the time here that advertises occasional tables. I need more of a commitment than that. I need at least a frequent table, or better yet an always table. I need to know I have a table that I can count on. 
  • Bumpy sidewalks-You know, those sidewalks that look like Legos. I am sure that they serve some kind of a purpose, but they were clearly designed by a man. Ever try to walk on those in heels? or thin flip flops? 
  • Incorrect grammar-It must be the teacher in me, but when I hear or see poor grammar, it really bothers me. I don't like when the words to and too are switched. Or your and you're. Or there, their, and they're. I can understand if you mix up lie and lay. Those are the tricky ones. However, if your Facebook status continually says things like, "wow, I can't wait to go their" or "there shoes were ugly", I will hide your status from my view. 
  • Text speak-Perhaps this one makes me old, but I would rather write out the word "people" than ever put "ppl". If my husband were to shorten his "I love you" to "ily", I would not be happy. I see beauty in the English language, and it really bothers me to misspell things. To me, text language is misspelled. Plus, as I mentioned before, I must just be old. I can tolerate the occasional "lol", but only in a text. Please do not tell me in a face-to-face conversation that something made you lol. That is unacceptable. 
These are just a few of the things that drive me crazy. What things drive you to the crazy place? 


  1. I've never heard of an occasional table, and I pretty dealt with the fact that to have cold water I have to put ice in it. I hardly even notice bumpy sidewalks, except to note that they feel pleasant when wearing thin soles. However, I highly agree on the last two. I sometimes mess up a pronunciation or on occasion put an lol in a text message...but it makes me cringe when I hear someone actually say it and mean it.

    I like to make fun of those people. A lot. And I really don't care who it is...if you can't be bothered with learning the right way to use a word and when to use text or l337 deserve to be mocked.

    Ever since my newly acquired long commute...most of the things that drive me crazy are car and traffic related. Like not using turn signals. Or idiots who speed up when you're about to pass them. Or construction zones on the highway that slow traffic down to 50 mph. For a year.

    I could literally make my own blog filled with driving rants. I'll stop now.

  2. Hi Jill,
    Too many things in this world drive me crazy. One that is on my list is elderly drivers who should not be driving anymore. One kind gentleman who is beyond eighty years was excited that his Oregon driver license did not expire until 2015. Another is the bad grammar, misspelling and shortened words on facebook, I totally agree with you. Granted I'm not the greatest speller or English grammarian but people can at least use the instant spell checker on facebook. The more I work with people as a pastor the more "almost illiterate" people I find. It is interesting, it is sad.
    I hope you are doing great and going strong for Christ! Chris Cookston
